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What you need to know about the end of furlough and the new Job Support Scheme

20 October, 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00

Join us for this free one hour interactive webinar which will provide information on the end of the furlough scheme and how to use the new Job Support Scheme.

The Government's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will end on 31 October and is being replaced by the Job Support Scheme. Many VCSE organisations will need to know the details of this new scheme and how they can support their staff through this process.

In this webinar, to be delivered by Michael Crowther and Alacoque Marvin from Wrigleys LLP, they will discuss:

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Manchester City Council Update: The New Manchester Housing Allocation Scheme

22 October, 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00

This latest Manchester City Council update will be sharing information on the review of the Manchester Housing Allocation Scheme and there will be time to ask questions

The Manchester Housing Allocation Scheme sets out the principles and rules by which people apply for social housing, including who qualifies to join the housing register and how the council prioritises who gets a home.

Shared Topic Areas: 

Harpurhey Together

16 October, 2018 - 12:30 to 15:30

This is a partnership project between Parasol, bringing hope and friendship for European nationals, and Harpurhey Neighbourhood Project, working with the community for over 40 years.

This event will bring together local people with new residents from Central and Eastern Europe to share ideas, experience and future plans. 

There will be a free lunch on arrival and free parking is available. 

To book a place, contact Graeme on 07460 988 361 or email [email protected]

Shared Topic Areas: 
