0161 830 4770


Sounds from the Other City Volunteer

Sounds from the Other City Volunteer
Organisation: Sounds From the Other City
Minimum amount of hours required:


Time for the opportunity:

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this organisation (e.g. Monday Morning)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Description of opportunity:

Sounds From The Other City has been a firm underground favourite since 2005; delivering a unique annual event that champions local promoters and celebrates the off-kilter beauty of Salford, the oft-overlooked ‘other city’ to Manchester. 2024's festival takes place on Sunday 5 May.

There are opportunities to work in a wide variety of roles, ranging from site set-up, artist liaison, wristband exchange, Walkabout on the day and the all-important site clear-up! You must be over 18 to apply. 

All our volunteers are a vital part of running the event and work alongside the core SFTOC Team. Most roles take place on Sunday 5th May but some could involve lending an extra hand in our set-up and take-down days.

We love our volunteers and we aim to ensure you are all well supported and briefed by our team and receive good breaks to enjoy the festival, a fun and friendly atmosphere, some free food and drink on the event day and an SFTOC T-shirt.

Wristband Exchange 
This is the first person that attendees see when they come through the door so these volunteers need to be friendly, informative and fast paced.

Front of House 
This is the first person that attendees will see on the door to each venue so these volunteers need to be friendly, informative and fast paced. The volunteers will need to keep an eye on capacity here as well and if anywhere starts to feel full they will need to bring in Security to support. 

Artist Liaison 
Supporting the artist liaison team to manage artists on the day and direct them to the right venues for their performance. Help keep them fed and watered and maintain the central artist green room. 

Festival Information 
We are looking for some volunteers who will be happy to provide the audience with information and help to build a vibe across the site, so these volunteers need to be friendly, informative and fast paced. 

Set Up/Take Down 
In addition to working at the festival itself we have x2 set up days and x1 take down day which we require volunteers to assist at. At each of these days we would be hoping for around 10 volunteers. The roles are incredibly varied on these days and they could do anything from setting up bars, putting beer in the right places, setting up furniture, putting up & taking down signage, cleaning glasses and counting tokens. 


There are currently no volunteer opportunities.