Sector News

Manchester Inspection of Safeguarding Arrangements - Judged to be inadequate

Manchester Safeguarding Arrangements have been branded inadequate by OFSTED in their recent inspection of Children’s Services.

It cited:
• Long backlogs in processing referrals (500 children)
• High case loads of social workers
• Concerns that learning from serious incidents was not being implemented.

Extending Shared Lives Services in Manchester

Manchester City Council (MCC) is holding an event on 17th Sept from 11-1pm at Manchester Town Hall to discuss the extension of Shared Lives services. MCC is seeking an organisation to deliver services for adults with a learning disability and adults with mental health support needs.

Be Proud Awards 2014

Do you have a neighbour you couldn’t live without or know of a local business that has a positive impact on your area?
Is there a community volunteer who goes 'above and beyond' or a young person whose passion and commitment really stands out?
Don’t miss your chance to celebrate your community heroes in the annual Be Proud Awards.

The Awards are a chance to say thank you to those groups and individuals who have worked hard to help their local area shine, who have supported their neighbours and communities, and who have been personally inspiring.


ESF Community Learning Grants - Extra Fast Track Round for North West England

The ESF Community Learning Grants scheme is provided by the European Social Fund and the Learning and Skills Council and administered locally by the Workers' Educational Association North West (WEA).

The programme aims to help people aged 19 years and older to overcome barriers and gain the skills and confidence to get back into work. Beneficiaries should be unemployed or economically inactive people from the hardest to reach communities.

Compact Awards 2014

The Compact Awards highlight outstanding examples of partnership work between voluntary and community organisations and the statutory sector and recognise achievement as a result of the Compact way of working. Compact Voice are inviting nominations for the Compact Awards which provide examples of best practice in partnership working.

The categories are:
• Compact Leadership Award
• Compact Innovation Award
• Local Compact Partnership Award
• Compact Engagement Award
• Compact Impact Award.
• Compact Advancing Equality Award

Join GlobalGiving UK through the Gateway Challenge

The Gateway Challenge is a practical fundraising campaign that helps charities, NGOs, social enterprises and not-for-profit organisations to successfully raise funds online for their projects and build their individual donor base.

Are you interested in growing your donor base? Improving your online communications? Joining a global network of non-profits? Improving your fundraising skills and network? Then this programme is for you.

Torch Trophy Trust bursaries – deadline 12 Sept 2014

Torch Trophy Trust bursaries provide financial support to individuals or groups wishing to undertake training to enhance their knowledge or improve their coaching skills to assist their club, organisation or community to develop their chosen sport.

You can apply for one of the limited number of bursaries that are granted each year if you are:
• a volunteer
• you want to improve your skills
• your governing body is keen to help out but can't find the funds.

Grants of up to £1,000 are available.

Community Scrutiny Committee Aug 2014

This article is part of an occasional series concerning the activities of Manchester City Council Scrutiny Committees. This one covers the August 27th Community Scrutiny Committee, chaired by Councillor Tracey Rawlings, which considered reports on: English for Speakers of Other Languages; and The Implications of Manchester as a 24hr City.