Sector News

Consultation - Gangs, missing and runaways

Catch22 and Missing People are working together to launch a major research project exploring the link between gang involvement and running away. They are currently running an online consultation for professionals working with young people in England. They hope to bring together experience of the situation on the ground, and expert opinion on how they can effectively support young people with these issues.

To take part in the survey, visit:

Royal Brewery Fund

The Royal Brewery Fund will support activity that encourage health, wellbeing, self-esteem and self-confidence especially through education, training and/or physical activity, encourage community pride, strengthen networks or bring different parts of the community together.

The Fund will be used solely to support registered charities and constituted community projects working in the following fields:
• Arts, music and culture
• Environment
• Social inclusion
• Social, economic regeneration
• Local community
• Education

Express Solicitors Fund

Express Solicitors aim to support the activities of local community or voluntary groups and projects that contribute positively to the quality of life, wellbeing and happiness of communities.

The Express Solicitors Fund is specifically for community groups in the Northenden and Wythenshawe areas of Manchester.

The maximum award is £500

To apply contact the Forever Manchester Awards Team on 0161 214 0940 to discuss your project and to request the application form.

Deadline: Saturday 30 August 2014

Community on Solid Ground – Changing Lives Project for Women

Do you want to be happier, more confident and gain new skills?
Would you like to improve your future prospects?
Would you like to find out about access to education, skills, volunteering or work opportunities?

This a new ESF Community Learning Grants project from Community on Solid Ground for women only.

There is a programme planning meeting on Tuesday 9 September 2014, 10am-2.30pm at Manley Park Play Centre, York Avenue, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 0AS

Power to Change community enterprise film competition

Do you have a great idea for a community enterprise? Why not capture it on film and enter the Power to Change competition to win £1,000.

Send a short film (2-3 minutes – no longer) about an enterprise you’d like to start in your community. Maybe there’s an empty shop you could imagine transformed into a technology hub or a pub closing down which, with some top music nights, could be the centre of the community.

PatchWork - Mobile Artistic Mental Health and Wellbeing Service, Trafford and South Manchester

Creativity is known to be expressive and to give pleasure. It is another means of commenting on the world around us, a distraction from worries and/or a way of processing positive and negative emotions. Being creative is something that is personal, which can give self-belief and confidence.


Healthier Together - Integrated Impact Assessment Forums

What is Healthier Together?
Healthier Together is a review of health and social care across Greater Manchester and is part of a wider public service reform, seeking to improve outcomes for all residents.

The 12 Greater Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are leading the programme, supported by the Service Transformation team and working in partnership with social care partners, voluntary organisations and all 10 local authorities across Greater Manchester.

Consultation on Advocacy Services in Manchester

Manchester City Council is holding meetings on Tuesday 2 September 2014 and Friday 26 September 2014 to consult on proposals for a new Advocacy Hub.

The Care Act 2014 requires the City Council to provide independent advocacy for those who may have difficulty understanding and participating in the assessment process. An advocate provides support to an individual to help them express their needs and wishes, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain the care and support they need

Yorkshire Building Society Lasting Legacy Fund

The Yorkshire Building Society is inviting UK registered charities to apply for one of the 10 donations of £10,000 that are available through the £150,000 fund.

The Lasting Legacy Fund was created with the aim of leaving a lasting impact in the communities that the Yorkshire Building Society serves across the UK.