Sector News

Charity Commission Guidance - Donate to registered charities experienced in working in Gaza

Charity regulator urges people to help the victims of the humanitarian disaster in Gaza

As is its normal practice in response to a national appeal such as the Disasters Emergency Committee Gaza appeal, the Charity Commission is providing guidance to the public on giving safely to charity. The Commission is encouraging the public to help the victims of the humanitarian disaster in Gaza by donating to registered charities with experience of working in high-risk areas and conflict zones.


Deaf Health Champions Manchester – Deaf Health Day

The Deaf Health Champions project is hosting a Deaf Health Day on Friday 5 September 2014, 10am - 3pm at the Manchester Deaf Centre, Booth Street East, Manchester, M13 9GH to provide the Deaf community of Greater Manchester opportunity to access information on local health and social care services.

The Deaf Health Champions project are looking for a wide range of organisations to deliver bite size 45-60 minute workshops on health themes across the course of the day, as well as stall holders.


Ancoats Dispensary Trust awarded £170,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund

Ancoats Dispensary Trust are pleased to announce that they have been awarded £170,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) under the Heritage and Enterprise Scheme and are now able to begin developing its plans to restore and transform the building into a community hub for Ancoats and surrounding neighbourhoods. This earmarked funding from HLF means that Ancoats Dispensary Trust and their partner Igloo Regeneration can now undertake immediate stabilisation works to the fragile building.


Come and be creative at The Edge in Chorlton

The Edge in Chorlton starts a new term in September, with courses to help anyone and everyone build self-confidence and emotional well-being, as well as learn new skills and have fun. The courses are run by the artistic team at The Edge, as well as by hand-picked, young creative professionals.

Ukulele Club is run by Musical Director, Simon Waters, with two courses to suit all abilities. New To Uke is designed to teach the basics of this easy-to-play instrument. Ukulele Orchestra gives people the chance to learn, sing and perform to family and friends.


Macmillan Supporting You to Help Others Grant – next deadline 30 August 2014

Macmillan provides grants for groups and individuals who support people affected by cancer or campaign to improve cancer care.

What sort of things can I apply for a Supporting You to Help Others grant for?
• Start up costs for a Self-help and Support group
• Development applications e.g. for groups to expand and extend their reach for both Self Help and Support and User Involvement
• Combined applications for those that include Self Help and Support and User Involvement

BBC Children in Need Main Grants – 2014 Deadlines

The BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations applying for grants over £10,000 per year for up to three years.

BBC Children in Need give grants for...
Children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through:
1. Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
2. Any kind of disability
3. Behavioural or psychological difficulties
4. Living in poverty or situations of deprivation

Nesta Bright Ideas Research Fund

Nesta have set up the Policy and Research Bright Ideas Research Fund to provide small grants to develop interesting research projects and policy proposals in fields that relate to innovation.

Nesta hope that the fund will lead to interesting insights in its own right, and perhaps in due course to some larger research projects.

Nesta plan to fund a small number of projects over the course of the financial year 2014-15. You can apply for the fund any time during the year and applications will be reviewed batches.

Street League - FA Level 1 Coaching course

Street League have secured some funding to run an FA Level 1 football coaching course for 16-25 year olds who are actively seeking employment, training or education opportunities.

If you know of anyone who is interested in gaining this qualification please get in touch with [email protected] or tel: 0161 300 3385

They have a maximum of 24 spaces to fill.

The course will run from Monday 15 September – Thursday 18 September from the Ardwick power league 09:00-17:00.

The Peter Cruddas Foundation – next deadline 1 Sept 2014

The Peter Cruddas Foundation gives priority to programmes calculated to help disadvantaged and disengaged young people in England and Wales towards pathways into education, training and employment through charitable organisations.

To qualify for funding you must be a charity registered with the charity commission in England and Wales benefitting people living in England and Wales.

The GC Gibson Charitable Trust

The GC Gibson Charitable Trust invite submissions from small charities for innovative UK based education and activity programmes for disadvantaged young people. The Trust have scope to award about 10 grants of £2000. The application window will close sometime in September when they are full.

Application is only online

The Trust prefer smaller charities where the impact of their money will not get lost and will influence the lives of many.