Sector News

SITA Trust's - Enhancing Communities Fast Track Fund next deadline 18 August 2014

Enhancing Communities is the name of SITA Trust's funding programme for community improvement projects.The fund will support projects that make physical improvements to community leisure facilities and historic buildings / structures.

The Fast Track Fund provides grants of up to £20,000, available to not-for-profit organisations with a community leisure amenity improvement project that has an overall cost of no more than £40,000.

Not-for-profit organisations including community groups, parish councils, local authorities and charities can apply.

Rosa's FGM Small Grants Programme-Round3

Rosa have announced the opening of their third small grants funding round aimed at tackling Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK.

Funded by Comic Relief, in Round 3, an estimate of 8-10 grants of between £500 and £5,000 to voluntary and community organisations will be awarded for projects tackling FGM across the UK. Grants will be available for training, mentoring, research, networking, and delivering advice, support, and awareness-raising services.

Paul Goggins Memorial Prize

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Poverty is honoured to announce the Paul Goggins Memorial Prize. Paul Goggins MP was the Secretary of the APPG Poverty and a strong voice for the anti poverty campaign in and outside of Parliament.

The prize will be awarded to the best civil society initiative that can demonstrate that it has reduced poverty in a tangible way.

The prize, worth £3000, will be given jointly by the APPG on Poverty and the Webb Memorial Trust.

Declaration of interdependence in children’s services

There is a longstanding cross-party consensus that society generally, and the state more specifically, has a unique and unconditional responsibility for all children, encompassing duties to ensure their education, health and protection and to uphold their rights and freedoms as citizens. Global economic crises and austerity do not weaken this public duty, they only make it more urgent. Children’s public services are among the most important manifestations of this duty. Their funding, design, delivery and workforces are crucial to the wellbeing of children.

NCVO's national survey on the voluntary and community sector's resilience to severe weather

People experiencing poverty and disadvantage are often the most affected by severe weather such as heat waves and flooding. Severe weather is likely to occur more often with a changing climate, increasing the demand for voluntary and community sector services.

The Pride of Gorton Awards

Greater Manchester Police have worked with the local community to significantly disrupt criminal activity in Gorton, resulting in numerous cash seizures under the Proceed of Crime Act. Some of the money taken from criminals has been used for The Pride of Gorton Awards, so that local residents and community groups can be recognised for the huge difference they make to their local area.


Money Advice Trust - Innovation Grants Programme 2014

The new grants programme from the Money Advice Trust is offering small grants to support agencies that provide money and debt advice to individuals and businesses, which will help them to help more people, more effectively.

Grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to three years are available to charitable organisations in the UK.

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Grants – next deadline 31 Aug 14

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Grants of up to £5,000 and up to £10,000 are available for new, original and innovative projects that actively promote Heart Health and help to prevent, or reduce, the risk of heart disease in specific groups or communities.

The Healthy Heart Grant is only available for community or voluntary organisations, registered charities or other not for profit organisations for projects that actively promote heart health or reduce the risk of heart disease.

Have your say on a Clean City funded project in East Manchester

Clean City is a project to make Manchester greener and cleaner, and is funded by Manchester Airport. East Manchester regeneration team have been allocated a pot of money from the Clean City fund and now they're organising some drop in events so that local businesses and residents can pop in and tell them what the priorities should be for how the money is spent.

The Pride in East Manchester project has been allocated funding, and need you to tell them your ideas on how this can be used to improve the area.
