Crime and Disorder

The People's Plan for Greater Manchester

Macc’s purpose is to encourage, support and develop voluntary and community groups and individuals to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live. So for that reason alone, we’re supporting the People’s Plan as a non-partisan, citizen-led movement bringing new and seldom-heard voices into the conversation about the future of Greater Manchester.

Prevent Awareness Community Education project launch

The PACE (Prevent Awareness Community Education) project, is a radicalisation and extremism awareness project, funded by the Home Office and supported by Manchester City Council.

The project is designed to bring together different communities to form a partnership to raise awareness about this very important issue and to look at ways to safeguard people from potential risks.

New domestic abuse campaign

1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men experience domestic abuse - does that sit right with you?

Last week saw the launch of a new domestic abuse campaign in Greater Manchester. This is a multi-agency, partnership campaign developed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in consultation with Greater Manchester Police and local authorities.

Partners of Prisoners Trustee Recruitment

Are you passionate about eliminating the stigma associated with being involved in the Criminal Justice System and experienced by offenders’ families, offenders and their children? Can you see that by reducing such stigma and working alongside our partner agencies and those with lived experience, we can improve outcomes for families and the communities they live in? If so, Could you be a POPS’ Trustee?

Protecting Young People from Violent Crime survey

The Manchester Community Safety Partnership is currently looking at the issue of Youth Violence across the City and how it affects them. The Partnership has consulted with partners and agencies who work alongside and for young people but would like to obtain the views of young people themselves on this important issue. The survey asks about young people’s experiences of violence, their thoughts regarding the causes and their day to day activity.