Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee - October 2023

On Tuesday 10 October, the Committee scrutinised the following public reports:  

LGBTQ+ Communities Deep Dive report by the Joint Director of Equality and Engagement – NHS GM Integrated Care (Manchester locality) and Manchester City Council  

Structured around the Council’s Equality Objectives, the report explores the inequalities faced by LGBTQ+ communities and the support provided by Council services to improve access, experience and outcomes. Using the Census 2021 data and information collected from other national sources, focus groups, surveys and case studies, it provides a more detailed understanding of LGBTQ+ communities and examines the existing barriers in education, health, employment and housing, which hinder social inclusion and participation.   

The Committee voiced concerns about the wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+, and particularly trans, community in employment and education. It was noted that work is underway to develop and implement an inclusion toolkit for schools in Manchester to support teachers working with young trans people who are affected by bullying or experience suicidal thoughts.  A recommendation was made for MCC to continue with the trans inclusion training for the education sector professionals and social workers as well as to extend the training for senior leadership and councillors to wider staff.  

The speakers also discussed the importance of accessibility and waiting times within health services, specifically around accessing sexual health services, including STI tests. A recommendation was made to present more data on this subject in the future, particularly a review of the basic metric of supply and demand within different clinics in Manchester. 

The committee highlighted the need for gathering qualitative intersectional data on an ongoing basis in order to improve the way we report, inform decisions and influence policies. 

Review of the Homelessness Strategy, Information on Winter Provision and Equalities Data for the Homelessness Service 

10 October is World Homelessness Day. Despite all the brilliant work that’s being done in Manchester, we as a community still have a long way to go.  

The new MCC Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy will be approved and launched by the end of the year. It will have a 3-year term. MCC has a duty to produce a strategy, however it is important to also work in collaboration with key partners to ensure its successful delivery by implementing a dynamic action plan.   

It was also observed that the Homelessness Prevention Grant fund is the main source of financial assistance to local government to deliver statutory homelessness services. However, the formula for this has been changed, and, if properly implemented, Manchester would have received significantly more funding to tackle the issue.  

As requested by Members, cold weather provision was also discussed. The speakers noted that the key element in these winter arrangements will be the introduction of an 18 hour street outreach over a 24 hour period to encourage people to utilise the additional beds allocated to rough sleeping as part of the cold weather provision.  

The Committee concluded with an update on inequalities within homelessness. They raised concerns regarding the increasing number of representatives of ethnic minority groups, young people and people with disabilities affected by the issue. The speakers highlighted that this was being mitigated through family mediation and by significantly increasing provision of accommodation for young people. Some collaborative work was also underway in conjunction with private sector landlords looking at a local plan for adapted properties suitable for housing people with disabilities.  

Building Stronger Communities Together Strategy 2023-2026 

This report provides a synopsis of the consultation carried out in the development of the Building Stronger Communities strategy, focusing on fostering stronger community relations and promoting social cohesion. It also details the strategic priorities in Manchester for the next three years, and an overview of pilot activities that will be tested and delivered in localities across the city over the next 12 months. 

The Committee also examined the Report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit, including the recommendations monitor, relevant key decisions, the committee’s work programme and any items for information.