Volunteer Centre Manchester - Equalities Monitoring Form

Please complete the following questionnaire. The Manchester Volunteer Centre aims to provide equal opportunities and fair treatment for all volunteers. This is why we monitor our volunteers. This questionnaire is totally anonymous. Do not write your name. This form will be stored separately with no link to any other documents. We would like you to complete this questionnaire in order to help us understand who we are reaching and to better serve everyone in the community. This information will be used to provide an overall profile of our volunteers.

All responses are anonymous. Please note: your anonymous feedback may also be shared with our funders, Manchester City Council, in order for us to monitor the quality of the support we provide. We will not share your information with any other third parties. Your information will be stored in our password protected online systems. Once we receive your information, we will make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems. 

To read more about how the information you provide us will be used please read our privacy policy

If you would like this form in an alternative format or would like help in filing in the form, please see a member of staff. Please select an item in each category which best describes you.The questionnaire will take only a few minutes to complete (Categories and items within them have been by and large listed alphabetically).