Community First

What is Community First?
      • Neighbourhood Matched Fund
      • Endowment Match Challenge

Neighbourhood Matched Fund Panels
      • Panel Information
      • Manchester Panels - click here to apply for funding in your ward

What is Community First?
Community First is an £80m government-funded initiative that will run for four years, until March 2015. The programme will help communities come together to identify their strengths and local priorities in order to plan for their future and become more resilient. It will fund both new and existing community groups.

Community First consists of two elements:
• a £30m Neighbourhood Matched Fund for some of the most deprived areas in the country and
• a national £50m Endowment Match Challenge

For information on how the wards were selected to receive Community First funding, click here.

For further information about Community First, visit:

Manchester Updates
Click here to read our February update
, which contains useful information about Community First in Manchester

Click here to read our March update, which contains information about the Manchester Panels


Day in the Life - An insight into the lives of a Community First panel member
Click here to read about a typical day in the life of Pauline Sergeant, a Gorton South Community First panel member

Day in the Life - An insight into the lives of Community First funded projects
Click here to read about a typical day in the life of Close Neighbours Residents Association
Click here to read about a typical day in the life of Levenshulme Square Residents Association
Click here to read about a typical day in the life of Miners Media Hub
Click here to read about a typical day in the life of Whitemoss Club for Young People