Sector News

Voices from the Frontline – apply by 29 May 2018

Voices from the Frontline supports women’s organisations to shine a light on their fight for gender equality in the UK. It resources advocacy, campaigning and activists with lived experience of injustice and inequality – giving voice especially to women facing intersecting disadvantages including race, class, sexuality, disability, poverty or migration status. Voices from the frontline

Manchester Refugee Support Network – Young Refugee Employment Support project

Manchester Refugee Support Network have recently launched a Young Refugee Employment Support project aimed at tackling the unacceptably high levels of unemployment amongst Manchester’s refugee community. Manchester Refugee Support Network

Are you between 16 and 25? Looking for work?

Manchester Safeguarding Boards e-Bulletin Eighth edition – 1 May 2018

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards (MSB) comprises the Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) and the Manchester Safeguarding Children Boards (MSCB). The Boards share an Independent Chair, Julia Stephens-Row; and are supported by the MSB Business Unit. Manchester Safeguarding Boards

Greater Manchester’s first Festival of Ageing is seeking people from across the city-region to get involved

The Festival of Ageing will take place from the 2 July to 15 July. The celebratory event will portray a more positive view of ageing, as well as encouraging policy-makers to take the action needed to improve the lives of Greater Manchester’s 907,000 older people – a figure set to rise to 1.1million in the next twenty years. Festival of Ageing

GM Poverty Action: Beyond Poverty - a new report by GMPA; food poverty news; GM Living Wage and more

In the latest Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA) newsletter GMPA launch their Beyond Poverty Report which shares the stories of people from across Greater Manchester who have recent or current first-hand experience of poverty. In this issue there are also some snippets of information about food poverty projects both National and local and provided a brief introduction to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s report on Universal Basic Income. The Living Wage has its usual regular column and details about forthcoming events are included, as usual, on the final page.