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4 Jul 2024 - 10:07 by Anonymous

Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete our Training Needs Analysis survey between September and November 2023. We greatly appreciate the insights that were shared with us. Like with all of our services, Macc is committed to ensuring training provision is accessible and as comprehensive as possible. The feedback received has demonstrated the variety of need that exists for Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Manchester and beyond. By participating, respondents have illuminated a number of issues and the feedback given will help to shape our...

Shared Topic Areas

28 Mar 2024 - 16:37 by josephine.mcmeeking

Housing Retrofit Report:


Considered report highlighting work around council and social housing and private sector housing schemes including energy company obligation grant and great British insulation schemes amongst others. Retrofit portal; any houser in MCR can use to access grants they are eligible for, e.g. boiler upgrade grant. Report details challenges around skills, funding, labour...

Shared Topic Areas

28 Feb 2024 - 11:27 by josephine.mcmeeking

By Emily McKinnell 

The committee discussed the annual public sector equality duty report, providing an overview of council’s delivery against objectives of knowing Manchester better, improving life chances and celebrating diversity.  The report acknowledged good progress but recognised gaps and where further progress can be made. 

Further discussion from committee revolved around sharing a delivery plan for the objectives, ensuring inclusive procurement and how we can foster good relationships between communities with different protected characteristics. The committee also...

Shared Topic Areas

14 Feb 2024 - 18:46 by omairia.bibi

I helped host and attended an event made for upcoming systems leaders in Greater Manchester. You might ask - ‘what and who is a systems leader?’. A systems leader is collaborative, part of a network of people in different places and at different levels,  with a shared purpose, co-operating to make significant change.  


So that means you and me and the person next to you in the line at a coffee shop on our shared purpose to get coffee before the 9 am rush... well, kind of! We just need to define a few things like shared purpose and collaborative bahaviours.  


Shared Topic Areas

18 Jan 2024 - 09:35 by josephine.mcmeeking

Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee

Date: Tuesday 9th of January

Time: 2pm

Location: Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension

On Tuesday the 9th of January the committee scrutinised the following public reports:

Crime and Policing Report of Greater Manchester Police

During the meeting, Chief Superintendent Rick Jackson, commander for the City of Manchester, spoke about the report (See the report ), providing an update on GMP’s journey to...

Shared Topic Areas

18 Jan 2024 - 09:21 by josephine.mcmeeking

The committee discussed the Compliance and Enforcement Services - Performance in 2022/23 report. This report provides an update on demand for and performance of the Compliance and Enforcement service during 2022/23. The report also provides a forward look at on- going and new challenges as a result of changes to legislation, policy and areas of growth that will have an impact on the work carried out by Compliance & Enforcement teams. The members scrutinized the report in three sections; the neighbourhood compliance, neighbourhood crimes and neighbourhood project teams. The report was...

Shared Topic Areas

17 Jan 2024 - 16:30 by josephine.mcmeeking

By Anna Tate 

The cost of living crisis is now well underway and has now impacting all communities across Greater Manchester. Unfortunately, the longer a crisis exists the more normalized it becomes. However, the recent headlines that some families have been forced to access loans to pay for baby formula and baby milk for their very young children is and continues to be shocking.

In August 2023, it was announced that the supermarket chain Iceland would be cutting the price of baby formula sold in all their shops. Iceland has said that this decision was a...

Shared Topic Areas

18 Dec 2023 - 16:47 by josephine.mcmeeking

By Anna Tate 

The current Conservative Government has introduced changes to current sentencing guidelines as part of the new Criminal Justice Bill 2023. The new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill was introduced to parliament in November 2023 and states that there is a presumption that sentences of less 12 months, received for low level offence would be suspended for some offenders meaning that those convicted would serve all of their sentences within the community. Whilst the majority of the bill is overwhelmingly punitive and makes the point of being tougher on crime, there...

Shared Topic Areas

18 Dec 2023 - 16:27 by josephine.mcmeeking

By Anna Tate 

This meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee focused on several main reports including Health and Homelessness. The Health and Homelessness report was delivered by David Regan, Director of Public Health, who is one of the co-chairs of the Health and Homelessness task group alongside Bernie Enright. The report sets out the efforts of the task group, which focus on collaboration with VCSE partners, including Urban Village GP Practice, The Mustard Tree and Change Grow Live, alongside a number of statutory health partners.

The report states that homelessness is a...

Shared Topic Areas
