Weekly Ebulletin
Our weekly Ebulletin is sent out each Monday and contains Manchester Community Central updates, news, events, training opportunities and much more.
Funding Bulletin
Our Funding Bulletin is sent out monthly on the first day of the month and it showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations.
Become a member of the Greater Manchester Older People’s Network
Join us as an individual – The work of GM Older People's Network is all about getting older people’s voices heard to find out more about the GM Older People’s Network visit our website: www.gmopn.org.uk. We want to make sure that people have a say in the decision-making that affects them and that their voices are championed in as many relevant areas as possible. In order to do this, we offer and advertise a wide range of participation opportunities for older people to get involved with.
Join us as an organisational representative – Although the network is committed to being led by older people we recognise that representatives of organisations working with older people are important advocates for older people and can be the voice for people who would otherwise not have an opportunity to share their views.
Macc Policy Updates
Do you want to receive P&I Shorts, our fortnightly Manchester VCSE policy email update sent direct to your inbox? Sign up to our Updates mailing list and receive these as well as blogs as soon as they are published. We won’t overload you with email - you can just expect the fortnightly update and the occasional blog with the latest policy developments and our thoughts on how they might affect your organisation.
Community Explorers mailing list
Community Explorers meetings are a platform for VCSE groups and public sector colleagues across Manchester to communicate and connect with each other. It is a space to discuss work and collaboration opportunities, voice concerns, and publicise offers and events. It is an opportunity to have your voice heard in your community and learn from others about what is happening in your area. Each group also has its own mailing list, which members can use to share and receive information and updates with the wider network in their area. Macc facilitates the Community Explorers meetings in partnership with the MICP. It is an informal and valued opportunity to collaborate with others whilst sharing information about services and activities and directly influencing some of the key strategies across the city.
Manchester Social Economy Alliance mailing list
The Manchester Social Economy Alliance is a group of organisations that are a part of the social economy in Manchester. Organisations in the social economy are businesses which reinvest all of their profits into achieving a social or economic goal. Our mailing list will receive information about upcoming events run by the alliance, and news about developments in Manchester's social economy. Please contact Josephine McMeeking at josie@macc.org.uk with anything you would like to circulate to alliance members.
Training Bulletin
Our Training Bulletin is sent out quarterly and contains our latest Training Programme.
Volunteering Mailing List
Want to help out in your area? Interested in hearing about free events and support going on in the city? Want to be told about charity job opportunities, information and news? Join the Manchester Volunteering mailing list to learn about organisations that need extra volunteer help, new roles out this month, as well as training opportunities, community events, job vacancies, helplines and other good ways to get involved.
Volunteer Coordinator Mailing list
Email updates and newsletters relevant to those who manage, coordinate or work with volunteers in Manchester
Spirit of Manchester mailing list
Our year long celebration of voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations in Manchester, includes: Spirit of Manchester Awards, Spirit of Manchester Business, Spirit of Manchester Festival, Spirit of Manchester Fund, Spirit of Manchester Story. Join our mailing list to find out more about Spirit of Manchester throughout the year, such as: when our awards are open for nominations, when you can apply for a grant, and how to get involved in telling your story in a Spirit Story week.