Sally Bolton is the founder of SB Wellbeing, a health and fitness coaching programme that specialises in menopause wellness. She is the author of ‘The Menopause Lifestyle Project’ and is also a licensed workplace trainer, giving menopause training to organisations and workforces.
The Just One Thing project is a journalism segment aiming to raise awareness of one social issue/project/event/…
March is endometriosis awareness month. At Manchester Community Central we believe in the inclusion and support for all, and menstrual health is a core element of this support. Alongside our menopause policy, we have a menstrual health policy that provides support for our colleagues who may need more flexibility or adjustments to help them excel and achieve even when managing difficult menstrual…
To mark LGBT History Month, Jessica Draper has written a really informative article that highlights Transgender Identities Throughout the Centuries, through looking at a global lens.
"Transgender identities are nothing new. Whilst their existence and rights are gaining more attention in the 21st century, they have existed around the world for hundreds of thousands of years. Many cultures…
Health Scrutiny Committee
Date: 4th December 2024
Time: 2pm
Location: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension
By Jessica Draper
On Wednesday 4th December, the committee scrutinised the following public reports:
Mental Health S75 Partnership Agreement
Urgent Update: Adult Mental Health statutory functions and duties from Greater Manchester…
A summary of Manchester City Council Health Scrutiny Committee, which met on 9th November 2024
Making Manchester Fairer (MMF) Action Plan
MMF Update Report
Five-year action plan to address health inequalities in Manchester, focusing on social determinants of health.
MMF Community Forum to bring lives experience from local people into the action…
On the 25th of November, a voluntary sector assembly (VSA) was held by Macc at St. Thomas Centre in Manchester, bringing together diverse voices to address sexual violence from multiple perspectives, particularly men, the LGBTQ+ community and women from ethnic minority backgrounds. Speakers from We Are Survivors and Saheli contributed valuable insights, while workshops on bystander intervention…
Mike Wild
I originally started writing this over the weekend, wanting to capture my rising sense of anger and anxiety at what we’ve been seeing. I've gone back to it a few times, feeling a need not to just roll out some fairly obvious words at a time like this. This isn’t meant to be a ‘briefing’ or a ‘statement’ - it’s a reflection and some thoughts I would encourage you to consider.
In the last few days…
Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete our Training Needs Analysis survey between September and November 2023. We greatly appreciate the insights that were shared with us. Like with all of our services, Macc is committed to ensuring training provision is accessible and as comprehensive as possible. The feedback received has demonstrated the variety of need that exists for…
Housing Retrofit Report:…;
Considered report highlighting work around council and social housing and private sector housing schemes including energy company obligation grant and great British insulation schemes amongst others. Retrofit portal; any houser in MCR can use to access grants they are eligible for, e.g. boiler…
By Anushka Swannell
Read the Full Article here
By Emily McKinnell
The committee discussed the annual public sector equality duty report, providing an overview of council’s delivery against objectives of knowing Manchester better, improving life chances and celebrating diversity. The report acknowledged good progress but recognised gaps and where further progress can be made.
Further discussion from committee revolved around…
I helped host and attended an event made for upcoming systems leaders in Greater Manchester. You might ask - ‘what and who is a systems leader?’. A systems leader is collaborative, part of a network of people in different places and at different levels, with a shared purpose, co-operating to make significant change.
So that means you and me and the person next to you in…