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All Equalities

GM Ethnic Communities Network Event

9 September, 2024 - 09:00 to 13:00

These meetings are a chance for GM Ethnic Communities Network members and allies to connect, share experiences and learn from one another as well as hear from guest speakers on relevant topics.

Free refreshments and a vegetarian lunch will be provided.

You can find out more about the GM Ethnic Communities Network here.

Announcement: Macc has successfully secured Manchester City Council’s contract to provide infrastructure support to the city's voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector

1 Jul 2024 - 15:32 by michelle.foster

Macc is delighted to announce that, following an open tender process, we have once again been successful in securing the contract with Manchester City Council to deliver infrastructure support to the city's voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) sector. This work enables us to support charities, community groups (including the community work done by faith organisations), voluntary groups, and social enterprises to be healthy, sustainable, well-run and above all, impactful for our communities.

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Rosa’s Stand With Us Fund

26 Jun 2024 - 14:07 by michelle.foster

The Stand With Us Fund was set up to address the critical lack of investment in frontline organisations supporting women and girls who experience male violence.  

Originally started with money raised by Reclaim These Streets in the wake of the appalling kidnap, rape and murder of Sarah Everard by a serving Metropolitan Police Officer, the fund exists to make the UK safer for all women and girls.

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Women and Girls Match Fund

10 Apr 2024 - 16:09 by michelle.foster

BigGive are passionate about empowering women and girls to dream freely, achieve proudly and live boldly.

Through their Women and Girls Match Fund, BigGive are committed to working with exceptional charities, dedicated to serving the women and girls in communities, fostering a future where every individual can thrive without limitations.

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International Women’s Day Walk for Women 2024

29 Feb 2024 - 15:19 by michelle.foster

The Walk for Women is back again for International Women’s Day 2024 on 9 March, Manchester City Centre, 12pm - 2.30pm.

Meet at 12pm on Mount Street behind Central Library (by the John Cassidy 'Ardrift' statue) International women's day

The march will make its way along Mount Street and through Albert Square to Brazennose Street, before turning right into Deansgate and continuing all the way to Manchester Cathedral.

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Walk and ride for women

16 Feb 2024 - 15:21 by michelle.foster

International Women's Day is on 8 March, join in these activities across the city and celebrate Manchester Women.

Walk for Women
Manchester’s Walk for Women is back on Saturday 9 March 2024. The walk will begin at Mount Street, behind Central Library, at 12pm and walking through Albert Square and down Deansgate to Manchester Cathedral.

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Call for new members of GM=EqAl

7 Feb 2024 - 15:06 by michelle.foster

GM=EqAl have just begun recruiting for new working group members. Do you represent marginalised or minoritised communities and want to assist the Greater Manchester Equality Alliance in connecting communities and policy makers and help to ensure the equality, diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of decision making at the highest levels in Greater Manchester? Greater Manchester GM+EqAl Equality Alliance

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Alternative Women's Economy — New women's collective in Manchester

24 Jan 2024 - 09:23 by michelle.foster

AWE is the Alternative Women’s Economy. A dynamic network of women in and around the Greater Manchester area taking control of the narrative, creating a common voice to affect the policies that impact marginalised, low-income, working-class, Black and Minority Ethnic women and call for change. An orange background with outlines of women

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