Sector News

Funding bulletin February 2018

Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations. Macc

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

Carers in Manchester survey

Do you look after someone? Manchester Carers Network wants to know what is important to you. Manchester Carers Network

If you support a relative, partner or friend who due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction could not manage without that support - and if you are unwaged for the support you give - you are a carer.

GM Poverty Action newsletter: Principal Partners scheme; Renters Forum; new End Child Poverty figures; Fuel Poverty awareness; Universal Credit & GM Living Wage

In the latest newsletter Greater Manchester Poverty Action(GMPA) are asking if your organisation might be interested in joining with their new Principal Partners to support the work of GMPA?Greater Manchester Poverty Action

Bee in the City - Artist Call out

This is your chance to be part of one of the most spectacular, ambitious and popular public art events Manchester has ever seen. Bee in the city

From July – September 2018 over eighty individually designed, super-sized Bee sculptures will form an art trail across the city’s streets, parks and public spaces – taking people on an unBeelievable journey of discovery. Just about everybody will want to be part of the buzz about Manchester!

User testers wanted to review the Charity Commission welcome pack

The Charity Commission has put together a concise guide focusing on key duties and responsibilities that trustees need to be aware of from the outset. They are now looking for trustees to help them test the design and use any feedback to improve it. If you have become a trustee in the last year – or have a hand in appointing and helping new trustees – the Commission plans to hold events in London over the coming months and will also be putting in place a facility to enable remote testing.

Community Business Weekend 2018

Community Business Weekend celebrates the 7000 community businesses in local hands across England. In 2017, 200 community businesses opened their doors and used the long weekend to demonstrate the positive impact they have on society and tell their stories of success. Community Business Weekend

Hosting an open doors event is a great way for you to build your local connections and inspire people to get involved in your community business.

The Big Pancake Party – Eating away at hunger

All across this country there are families who struggle to put food on the table; children are going to school hungry and parents are skipping meals so that their kids can eat an evening meal. The Big Pancake Party

The Together Network wants to continue their work to stop this and they’re calling on churches, schools, families, and individuals throughout England to stand up to food poverty – and have some fun in the process.

NHS at 70: From cradle to grave

NHS at 70 will create the first shared social history of the NHS. Through collecting stories and artefacts from NHS patients and workers as well as politicians and the general public, the project will record its unique place in everyday, post-war British life. The 70th anniversary of the NHS in 2018 is a perfect opportunity to celebrate its past and reflect on its present and future.

Become a Cervical Cancer Community Volunteer

Volunteering for Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is immensely rewarding. You can help The Trust go that extra mile in saving lives by raising awareness in your local community about cervical cancer prevention by talking to people, delivering awareness sessions and information stands at health events. There are also opportunities for you to volunteer in GP practices. Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust