Children and Families

Manchester Maternity Rights Advice Service

Have you just found out that you are pregnant and want to know what your rights are at work?

maternity actionWondering which benefits you could claim while you are pregnant or once your baby is born?
If you live or work in Greater Manchester or East Cheshire you can call Maternity Action for completely free and confidential legal advice on work and benefits for pregnant women and new parents.

Children and young people’s mental health: An independent review into policy success and challenges over the last decade

This report by the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition considers the policy landscape in England in relation to children and young people’s mental health over the last decade, and Children and young people’s mental health: An independent review into policy success and challenges over the last decadereviews progress relating to implementation and impact.

Family Hubs new website and brand design

Family Hubs are looking for families, parents and carers to help decide on how the new website and brand for the Family Hubs should look.

Family Hubs are a new initiative being developed nationally to ensure services and support for families is better connected. The hubs will be based within communities – ensuring families can easily access the support they need locally.  

Family Hubs are inviting parents, carers and family members to tell them more about how they access information for families online, and how this can be improved.  

Proud 2 b Parents training

Proud 2 b Parents exist to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBT+ parents/carers and their children, whilst reducing health inequalities. Proud 2 b Parents do this by providing effective social proud 2 b parents logoand support services, whilst championing social change and advocating for the community's needs locally and nationally.