Mental Health

Manchester Mind need your help: young people’s focus group invitation

manchester mindNow, more than ever, we know that young people are struggling with their mental health.

Manchester Mind are still here to help during this difficult time and are keen to spread awareness of the services they have available, and want to ensure that their services are the right ones.

Manchester Mind need some help to enable them to do this and they would like to speak to young people (age 15-25) to find out:

Manchester Mind: Mindfulness – 8 week course

manchester mindDates: to be confirmed, contact Manchester Mind for details, Online via Zoom

Stressful events happen and we often cannot do much to change them. Mindfulness allows us to be able to better live with the unhelpful thoughts and feelings that our minds throw up as a result of these stressful experiences.

Mental health support in Greater Manchester for adults and young people

If you find yourself feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, there’s support out there for you. There are free digital services available.

You can find information, resources and other places you can get help and support and information about your local mental health and wellbeing services here


Covid-19 Community Response Fund – Mental health and Wellbeing in Isolation

The We Love MCR Covid-19 Community Response Fund welcomes applications from organisations that are delivering new or additional work in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic to support their communities around their mental health.

The purpose of the Fund is to provide financial support to Registered Charities and not for profit organisations who are working to address mental health needs that have been caused or exacerbated by the pandemic. The Fund in particular will support our most vulnerable and isolated neighbours and communities.


Stress and anxiety: A guide for LGBT people

lgbt foundationAnxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health problems in the UK with around 5% of the population experiencing it at some point in their lifetime. This figure is significantly higher for people who are LGBTQ.

The LGBT Foundation have written a guide for LGBT people on the possible causes, symptoms and support available for anxiety and stress.

Wellbeing and mental health during COVID-19: A guide to looking after yourself and others

GMCA bookletThe Greater Manchester Combined authority have released a Greater Manchester Wellbeing and Mental Health During COVID-19 booklet.

It has some great tips and ideas for things you can do to look after yourself and support others.

Independent Mental Health Network

imhnIndependent Mental Health Network (IMHN) is a membership-led organisation that represents a diverse community of past, current and future users of mental health services, as well as those with lived experience of mental health. By working together, IMHN can be a force for positive change in the way that mental health is treated, perceived, and recognised.

Greater Manchester, Ethnic Minority Experiences of Caring: Your Voice Matters survey on ethnic minority experiences of caring

gmhcscpCarers from Ethnic minorities may have different needs, issues and requirements from other populations, they are often overlooked in research and often do not access statutory services until they hit crisis point.