
Water Wheel Cycling Fundraiser, Equal Aqua Uganda

One billion people worldwide still do not have access to safe drinking water.

Equal Aqua Uganda is a Manchester-based, youth-led, award-winning charity. The Uganda team set the vision and determine the needs of local communities, identifying where we may truly make a difference. The UK provide the support to make this a reality.


Never More Needed

It’s an old question: “have you ever wondered what it would be like if….?” (Bit of a cliché in fact, but go with me, it’s the end of a long difficult year...)

On the day I’m writing this, we’re asking that question about the work of local charities, community groups, faith groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if they just weren’t there?

We’re participating in Purple Tuesday 3 November 2020

Purple Tuesday 2020 ParticipantPurple Tuesday was created and is co-ordinated by Purple, a fast-growing disability organisation working with businesses to convert strategic intent into a set of achievable actions and activities.

Purple Tuesday is Purple’s flagship programme which supports businesses to improve the customer experience for disabled people.

Purple Tuesday is a change programme that provides:


Greater Manchester Law Centre AGM

At last year’s AGM the focus was on the next stage of developing our campaign to fight for access to justice for our communities across Greater Manchester.  We celebrated the progress that the Law Centre had made and looked forward to expanding our work.

The general election provided opportunities to expand access to justice and to reverse the cuts to legal aid and we highlighted that we had secured funding to develop our advice offer and looked to expand these across Greater Manchester in partnership with others.

The COVID19 crisis broke and everything changed.


What you need to know about the end of furlough and the new Job Support Scheme

Join us for this free one hour interactive webinar which will provide information on the end of the furlough scheme and how to use the new Job Support Scheme.

The Government's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will end on 31 October and is being replaced by the Job Support Scheme. Many VCSE organisations will need to know the details of this new scheme and how they can support their staff through this process.

In this webinar, to be delivered by Michael Crowther and Alacoque Marvin from Wrigleys LLP, they will discuss:


Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - "Best birthday present ever"

Before the pandemic, Europia offered face to face appointments to help those who needed to apply to continue to live in the UK lawfully following the EU settlement scheme. Of course they can no longer do this in person, so now the sessions are being held over the phone or remotely, providing advice and submitting applications on the clients’ behalf.


Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 – Yoga for calm and resilience

‘This helps people’s mental health and helps to build resilience to deal with what the outside world is throwing at you.’

Manchester City of Sanctuary has been running their sessions online throughout the pandemic, allowing people to stay connected and resilient during this difficult time. They have engaged with over 146 people over the past 6 months and deliver a range of simple sessions that provide a regular support network to their participants.


Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - Staying social

On Wednesday, Manchester City of Sanctuary ran an activity for their members teaching them how to use human percussions to create beats such as clapping or clicking to recreate the song, Billy Jean. It was a nice, fun activity to try and make music without using voices or instruments. Every meeting they have will have a different artist coming in as a guest so everyone can learn new skills, but really these sessions focus on finding enjoyable ways to stay social and connected during the pandemic.


Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - Carers Manchester is here…

A new information and advice service is available for carers in the city of Manchester. Carers Manchester Contact Point was started during the Covid-19 period and forms part of the new Carers Pathway in Manchester, which is a partnership of statutory and voluntary organisations working together to improve services for Manchester’s 62,000 unwaged carers. Carers Manchester Contact Point is delivered by Gaddum working with Manchester Carers Forum, LMCP and Wai Yin.


Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - Improving employment prospects via Zoom

Refugees & Mentors supports refugees and vulnerable migrants to improve their employment prospects and get jobs. Through their Returner project, they support refugee engineering, architecture, IT, telecoms and business service professionals to restart their careers in the UK. The Returner Project focuses on collaborating with employers to secure a skilled 3-6 month paid work placement in their sector, which helps the employer to fill skills gaps and enable a highly skilled refugee professional to gain paid UK work experience in their industry.

The Returner Project process:
