In Our Own Words: A performance and discussion on supporting NHS staff to tell their own stories

Manchester Museum, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

Join In Our Own Words, for an exploration of ways in which NHS staff have been and can be supported to tell their stories, make sense of their NHS experiences and feel heard.

The workshop begins with a short performance by Wake The Beast Theatre Company drawn from the words of NHS staff and is followed by an exploration of how storytelling, in all its different forms, can support you, your colleagues and the broader health and care workforce.

In Our Own Words uses creative activities and the co-creation of verbatim theatre to propel unheard voices into the national conversation on NHS staff mental health. The project supports staff wellbeing and provides a space for the elevation of marginalised voices.

In Our Own Words started at Whittington Health NHS Trust in 2020 and was rolled out across several NHS Trusts and Care Homes during the Covid-19 pandemic to support healthcare staff. The piece was performed at the Houses of Parliament in April 2023.

The workshop will include a presentation of outcome data and lessons learned from the team behind the project, and a post-show discussion on effective ways of utilising the arts in health settings, featuring speakers discussing work on NHS storytelling projects in Greater Manchester. This includes Lime Arts, the University of Manchester NHS Foundation multi award-winning arts and health organisation and Voices of our National Health Service, a research programme on the history of the NHS.

Greater Manchester has committed to becoming the first city region in the world to realise the power of creativity, culture and heritage in addressing inequities and improving the health and wellbeing of its residents. The Greater Manchester Creative Health Strategy was launched in 2022, which illustrates how creative health approaches can contribute to reducing inequities across the life course.

This event is free and open to anyone who manages and supports health and social care staff and is curious about how storytelling can be used for increased wellbeing and resilience.

Do you manage a team? Work in organisational development in the NHS? Are you an HR partner? Are you looking for ways to support your colleagues? Then this is for you.

Are you interested in Arts and Health? Creative practitioners, experts in public health, arts and health commissioners, GPs, nurses, health researchers, those working in libraries, art galleries, grassroots neighbourhood- based community organisations, theatres, galleries and universities.

A free lunch, tea and coffee will be available in the foyer outside the Kanaris Theatre from 1pm.

Register here