Summer – Autumn 2019 Programme
Hate crime has no place in Manchester.
Everyone in our city has the right to feel safe and we all have a responsibility to stand against hatred and discrimination.
Hate crime is significantly under-reported. Continued efforts by local groups and organisations are needed to raise awareness of and challenge hate crime in our communities and to help instil confidence in victims by highlighting how and where hate crime incidents can be reported.
Through Manchester City Council, Manchester Community Safety Partnership makes funding available annually to support events and projects across the city that promote awareness of hate crime.
For the Summer / Autumn 2019 Programme, Macc is continuing to work with Manchester City Council to administer the Hate Crime Awareness Grants.
Funding available
Groups can apply for Hate Crime Awareness Grants of between £250 and £500 to hold an event during the period July to December 2019. The Programme’s funding pot totals £10,000, meaning 20 to 40 grants in all are potentially available.
Please note: there will be another funding round later this year for groups to hold events during Hate Crime Awareness Week in February 2020. Do not apply now for events due to take place that week. Groups and organisations that make applications now are welcome to submit an application to the next programme that focuses solely on events in February 2020.
Aims of the Hate Crime Awareness Grants Programme
Within the context of celebrating the diversity of communities in Manchester, the main aims of these grants are to:
- Raise awareness of what hate crime is, and to
- Increase the reporting of hate crime incidents
We welcome applications from groups that are new to the programme as well as those who have applied previously.
Who can apply for a Hate Crime Awareness Grant?
The funding programme is open to groups and organisations that meet all of the following criteria:
- Is a voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation or a public sector organisation
- Works within the city of Manchester for the benefit of people living in Manchester and that wishes to deliver an activity in the city that meets at least one of the programme’s objectives with regard to hate crime awareness
- Has a bank account in the name of the group / organisation
- Agrees to complete and return the Grant Monitoring Form after the event is finished
- Has an up-to-date safeguarding policy (if the event involves children or vulnerable adults; you will be expected to provide your safeguarding policy on request)
- Can provide a current insurance liability policy to cover their event
Information on all aspects of the programme is in the prospectus, including:
- What is a hate crime / Third-Party Reporting Centres
- What can and cannot be funded
- How to get free support to complete your application (for groups new to the programme or who were previously unsuccessful)
- How funding decisions will be made
- Due diligence checks on successful applicants
- End of project monitoring
The deadline for applications is midday on Wednesday 3 July 2019
Applications should be emailed to [email protected] or posted to Hate Crime Awareness Grants, c/o Macc, 3rd Floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester M4 5JW.
Macc will notify all applicants as to whether their application is successful by 18 July 2019.
If successful, grants will be paid in one tranche of money, subject to completion of standard due diligence checks (see “Due diligence” section in the prospectus).
If you have general questions about this funding, please contact Oliver at Macc on 0161 834 9823 or via [email protected].
The following is a link to Macc’s Data Protection Policy, which contains information on how we will handle information you submit - Data Protection Policy.