The Mental Health Recovery Network for Manchester

The Recovery Network is taking an integrated approach to service development by inviting all people with an interest in Mental Health services in Manchester to step outside of the current system into a safe space which is owned equally by everyone.

The network recognises that within Mental Health services there are many perspectives and viewpoints that broadly fit into groups or tribes (service users, carers, front line staff, managers and funders) the network attempts to bring these tribes together to create a new service culture that recognises everyone as equal and has something to offer. The values, language and decision making are negotiated and agreed as a collective group.

The network is a forum that will recognise and work on the basis that everyone has different perspectives and priorities but all tribes are ultimately the same in wanting to have better services that achieve the best possible outcomes for people with Mental Illness.

There is a Steering Group responsible for organising network events which is made up from two members of each tribe.

Reports and Resources
Click here to read the Manchester Recovery Network Event Report for 26 February 2013

To join the network click here to complete the membership form and email it to: [email protected] or post to Pauline Clark Macc, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan St, Manchester, M4 5JW

Benefits of membership include:
• Opportunities to participate in influencing the future shape of services
• Regular information and updates on the work of the network and
• Access to a peer support network

The next meeting of the Network is to be confirmed

Links to sources of information about mental health services in Manchester
Mental Health in Manchester
This website is for Manchester people who want to know more about how to look after their emotional health and wellbeing.

Recovery Education 
Recovery Education offers a new approach aimed at giving people with mental health challenges the chance to make their own choices, to become experts in their own recovery and to make sense and meaning out of their experiences.