Manchester Hatecrime Strategy

The week of 21st January 2013 is Hatecrime Awareness Week. The first in a week full of events is a launch of the new Hate Crime Strategy for the city by the Manchester Community Safety Partnership*.

Click here to see the calendar of events for Hatecrime Awareness Week (PDF)

Click here to download the new Hatecrime Strategy (PDF)

Hatecrime is crime which is targeted at a person because of

  • Disability
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Age
  • Gender (including transgender)
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Subcultures

Many local voluntary and community sector groups are involved in raising awareness of hatecrime, seeking to prevent it and supporting the victims of hatecrime. Manchester Mencap have produced a video in which people tell their experiences of disability hatecrime:

 *Manchester Community Safety Partnership is the strategic body which looks at issues of crime, disorder and safety in the city. More information about the partnership can be found here on the City Council website