Bid Writing : The Basics

Jurys Inn, Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5LE


Do you know the most common reasons for rejection ? Are you gathering the right evidence ? Are you making the right arguments ? Are you using the right terminology ? Are your numbers right ? Are you learning from rejections ?

Are you assembling the right documents ? Do you know how to create a clear and succinct standard funding bid ? Are you communicating with people or just excluding them ? Do you know your own organisation well enough ? Are you thinking through your projects carefully enough ?

Do you know enough about your competitors ? Do you know the trusts ? Are you answering the questions funders will ask themselves about your application ? Are you submitting applications correctly ?

The workshop consists of talk, questions and answers. There are no power points or audio visuals used.


Staff members, volunteers, board members or trustees of charities, schools, associations or not for profit organisations who are about to submit grant funding applications to grant making trusts and foundations.


£95 including booking fees. Refreshments provided. Each attendee will receive a full set of notes and copies of eight real successful funding bids by e-mail after the workshop.


All places must be booked using a debit or credit card through the online booking system. We do not issue invoices or accept bank or cheque payments. If you do not have a debit card from your organisation please use a personal one and claim reimbursement using the booking confirmation e-mail as proof of purchase.


Workshop bookings are non cancellable, non refundable and non transferable between dates. If you are unable to attend on the date booked you may send someone else in your place.

£95 including booking fees. Refreshments provided. Each attendee will receive a full set of notes and copies of eight real successful funding bids by e-mail after the workshop.
NFP Workshops