Institute of Fundraising Short Course - Trusts Fundraising Getting Started


This will be the first time this course is being delivered as a virtual live training event for the IoF Academy. The course will contain interactive content and the opportunities to share ideas and learning among all course attendees.

There are around 9,000 grant-making trusts in the UK worth around £4bn to the sector. Whilst a good well-written application is important, success with trusts is not all about what you write. When you’re getting started in trust fundraising, having a full understanding of trusts and foundations is vital – why they exist, how they work, what motivates their giving, what they are looking for, the grant application process etc . Understanding this will enable you to write a request that really stands out. This course teaches you all about this, and gets you started with the professional techniques to write effective, confident proposals.

Who should attend:

This course is for people with limited trust fundraising experience - people who are likely to have been working in this area for less than 12 months, either as a staff member or as a volunteer, and for those who wish to develop skills to work with trusts and foundations.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify sources of data and research on grant making trusts and foundations in the UK and understand trends in giving – to whom and why
  • Understand how to comply with best practice and the Code of Fundraising Practice
  • Use research efficiently to target which trusts are likely to support your cause
  • Understand more about the grant-making process from the funders' perspective
  • Understand the essentials of an effective application
  • Review and evaluate your success and make recommendations for the future

What’s covered on the course:

· Setting the Scene

  • Trusts and foundations in the UK – role and significance, legal forms, regulation and best practice
  • Trends in giving; to whom and why

· Research

  • How and where to find trusts
  •  Which trusts are likely to support your cause?

· Case for Support and writing the application

  • Building your case for support and the Case in action
  • Form-filling or letter-writing?
  • Format, style, terminology

· Submission; Assessment and Follow-up

  • Preparing for assessment
  • Following-up the application
  • Celebrating success or learning from failure
£190 for IoF individual members £245 for non-individual members
Institute of Fundraising