NCVO Online Training: Key principles of fundraising in the voluntary sector


This online course will help you understand the fundamentals of fundraising. We will look at the key principles and how to apply them to your organisation.

We’ve redesigned this face-to-face training specifically for online delivery, to ensure your learning needs are met though interactive, live sessions with knowledgeable trainers.

By the end of the day you will:

  • understand what fundraising is, how it is regulated and key ethical considerations
  • have considered the current context of fundraising and the implications of Covid 19
  • developed a full grasp of the income spectrum – where you currently get funding and where you might like to diversify your fundraising using different tools
  • be clear on the key principles behind various fundraising techniques and identify examples of organisation’s using them well

Who should attend?
This course is aimed at:

  • People new to fundraising roles in small and medium-sized charities, helping them to understand the context for fundraising today and the fundamental principles of various income streams.
  • People stepping-up to lead a fundraising team and/or managing several income streams, giving them the confidence to manage new areas where they may not have direct experience.

Who runs it?
Beth Crackles is a consultant at NCVO. She has held positions with Toynbee Hall, Friends of the Earth and RNIB and provided consultancy support to arts, health and social organisations. Beth has also been a trustee of the ESOL charity EfA.

Having managed fundraising teams, restricted, unrestricted and capital appeals, Beth is well placed to support organisations looking to diversify their income. As a consultant, she supports organisations to develop their organisational and funding strategies, including developing new income streams.  Beth holds an MSc (Distinction) in Voluntary Sector Management, the IoF’s Certificate in Fundraising and the CIM’s Diploma in Communications, Advertising and Marketing.

From £46.00 for NCVO members - see website for costs
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