Macc Training - Funding Your Project

 Registration is closed for this event
  • Are you looking for funding for your project?
  • Do you know where to search what funding is available?
  • What sources of funding are available?

A workshop specifically for voluntary community organisations in the city of Manchester who are looking to find funding for their projects / organisations.

This training will focus on demonstrating the Funding Portal - our free online funding search engine and help identify sources of funding available for VCSE groups.

As this will be delivered in person at the Macc office there will be time for participants to conduct their own funding searches for proejects.

Aimed at voluntary community organisations who are new to funding or those looking to re-familarise themselves with the funding portal.

7th September, 2022 from 11:00 AM to  2:30 PM
Ground Floor Meeting Room
Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street
Manchester, M4 5JW
Phone: 0161 834 9823