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Environment, Climate Change and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Committee - November 2023

Neighbourhoods Directorate Budget 2024/25 
The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhood Services) that set out a service overview and key priorities including an update on the Climate Action Plan. As part of identifying further savings options, the initial priority had been to protect service delivery wherever possible, and this had included looking to increase income generation opportunities where possible.  

Manchester's Emissions Report 
The Committee considered the report from the Director, Manchester Climate Change Agency that provided a summary of Manchester’s Emissions Report, which was due to be published by the Manchester Climate Change Agency in November.  

Over the five-year period from 2018 to 2022, Manchester emitted 9.54 million tonnes of CO2 (tCO2), against a total carbon budget of 15m tCO2, allocated to last until 2038 and beyond (until 2100). This meant that 63% of the city’s total 30 year carbon budget had been used in its first five years. The Committee noted that the report called for ‘urgent action at pace and scale to ensure Manchester stays within its carbon budget’. 

Vision Zero - Update  
The Committee considered the report of Strategic Director, Growth and Development that provided a summary of progress on the development of a Vision Zero Strategy for Greater Manchester.  The report noted that the adoption of Vision Zero and the MCC Road Safety Strategy provided the opportunity to implement effective and sustainable practices to reduce collision rates and enable the uptake of more walking, wheeling and cycling, supporting the Our Manchester goals of creating a sustainable, liveable and connected city.