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Making a film

A short film (preferably no more than three minutes) is a great way to tell your story and show the impact your work is having on either an end user or volunteer on your project. Here are some resources to help you think about how to tell your story, planning the footage you need and tips to editing using VideoPad (a free editing package). Remember it should be 80% planning 20% doing!

Telling your story
What story do you want to tell? Are you showing the impact being part of your organisation has had on a volunteer, or maybe the differnce you are making to the life of someone using your service? What would you tell your friends or family about the difference your group/organisation makes? Remember to start with something interesting - hook them in.

Here is a storyboard template for you to plan what you want your film to look like and the types of different shots you might want to include. Try to vary the shots to keep the viewer interested - include photos, text, different angles, etc.
Storyboard template (PDF)

Editing - Downloading and using videoPad

Videopad is a free editing software and makes it easy to layer film and audio clips and add effects and narration. Download VideoPad free

Here are some tips on using VideoPad (PDF) along with links to online tutorials on YouTube. 

Manchester Community Reporters’ learning tips
From the experience we have had over the last year from producing short films, here are our top tips:

  • Planning is essential - complete a storyboard so you know what footage you want to collect, try and stick to this and don't film everything - you will have to edit it later!
  • When interviewing try not to talk over the answer - ask the question and then nod and smile to encourage them (If someone else is interviewing give them instructions)
  • If a few of you are working on a film make sure all the content is saved on one computer wher it is also edited.
  • It is much easier if just one person edits - talk thorugh it beforehand and look at your storyboard and plan together 
  • Take lots of batteries and an extra camera
  • Editing takes a long time so the more selective you can be with the footage you take the better!  

Watch some films from groups
Have a look at some films made by Manchester voluntary and community groups: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/giving-locally 

We can make you a film
If you would rather we can come and make a film for you. Get in touch to find out more: [email protected]

PDF icon BriefguidetoVideoPad.pdf65.96 KB
PDF icon storyboard.pdf157.09 KB