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Manchester Common Assessment Framework (MCAF)

The lives of children and young people in Manchester are improved through the offer of Early Help using Manchester Common Assessment Framework (MCAF) to underpin strong preventative work and support the message that improving outcomes is everyone’s business.

Everyone working with a family has a role to play in ensuring children and young people receive Early Help, with families feeling a part of the inclusive process.
Integrated Early Help is offered using MCAF to share and gather information and request expert input where necessary, ensuring that there is a commitment to the family by finding solutions and accessing the provision of appropriate support.

MCAF is a key part of delivering frontline services that are integrated and focused around need. It is a common approach used to assess the needs of children and young people and decide how these should be met.

The new MCAF web page www.manchester.gov.uk/mcaf has access to the new form and offers information about the MCAF procedures and practical tools for managers, key workers/practitioners and parents/young people to understand and utilise the framework. It also has case study examples plus links to the Family Information Service web site and the Manchester Community Central Directory.

Partners from across the Local Authority, Health, Police, Voluntary Sector, Connexions and MSCB have come together to endorse the use of MCAF as a tool in Manchester’s offer of Early Help. The form and process has been made easier to use, to get key workers/lead professionals to the actions to support the child/young person. Area arrangements are being put in place to support local users.

MCAF is a four-step process whereby key workers can identify the needs of a child or young person early, assess those needs holistically, deliver coordinated services and review progress. Please remember to register MCAFs.

MCAF Training
Training is available on using the new forms, process and guidance. To book a place contact the MCAF team, on 0161 234 5969, or email: [email protected].

For further information, visit: www.manchester.gov.uk/mcaf