Neighbourhood Matched Fund

£30 Million is now available to fund community projects in some of the most deprived areas of the country. People will be encouraged to give time, expertise and resources towards the projects they identify in their areas. The government will match these pound for pound, helping to stimulate local action towards meeting community needs.

Community First Neighbourhood Matched Fund is an initiative that provides local communities with the means to address their own priorities:
• Communities will set up local panels in each eligible ward, and will decide upon projects for funding in their area.
• It is a matched fund programme, which means that every £1 provided in funding must be matched by a similar amount of in-kind donations (this means donations of cash, services, free products or volunteer time).

Funding allocation:
• Funding has been allocated at ward level across every local authority in England. Eligible wards were selected on the basis of high levels of deprivation and significant increases in benefits claimants. The amount of funding for each area is based on the concentration of these characteristics within a ward.
• Because funding is targeted to reach the most deprived areas, only certain electoral wards are eligible in each Local Authority.

Click here for a full list of eligible wards in Manchester and allocations

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