0333 321 3021


Nightstop Volunteers


Nightstop offers a safe place for the night for a young person between the ages of 16-25 who is in crisis, taking referrals from the pathways within the 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester. For most of the young people they work with they are experiencing homelessness for the first time and Nightstop is an essential service, as usually their only other option may be rough sleeping.

They expect that as more families are placed under extreme pressure whilst self-isolating, we will receive more referrals from struggling families who need a period of respite. The young people we host tend to be very vulnerable - as they have never faced homelessness before, may have been kicked out from their family home or have just received refugee status - so placing them in a night shelter would be a very scary experience. Nightstop places young people in a warm and safe home, where they will be provided with an evening meal, a place to wash their clothes and access to toiletries, as well as a listening ear.

During the current crisis, many of their hosts have sadly had to step aside, due to being more at risk if contracting COVID-19. The provision for people at risk of rough sleeping is extremely stretched right now, with many night shelters not taking on any new referrals. They are currently asking whether hosts are able to work on a 'week on, week off' basis, as we are currently hosting three/four young people who have very limited options otherwise; however they are also receiving new referrals which we sadly cannot currently take on. They are in need of more volunteers who are able to place a young person within their home, to keep them safe and off the streets during this unnerving time. If you are social distancing and would appreciate some company, providing your spare room is a way that you can make a long-lasting impact on someone's life. Your support for a few nights provides a safety net and helps prevent long-term homelessness.

Before placing a young person, a thorough risk assessment is carried out, they conduct a police background check and take references (as well as a screening for COVID-19) to understand their backgrounds and needs. You will be provided with training on how Nightstop works, as well as safeguarding and confidentiality. Nightstop also have a 24/7 on-call system and provide daily support and check-ins from the Nightstop team. Nightstop is a community, as they regularly put on social events (now digitally!) and have forums for our volunteers where they can connect and share ideas and tips for hosting.

Nightstop are aiming to get people up and ready to start hosting as soon as possible. If you would like to help but are unable to provide a room, you can also volunteer as a driver, transporting young people from A to B so they don't have to use public transport. Going to a stranger's door is a daunting experience, so having a friendly and approachable driver helping them make their way there makes a real difference to the young people we host. If you want more information about the work of Nightstop and how you can help, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

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