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Equalities Resources

What was the Equalities Board?
The Equalities Board of Ambition for Ageing was a group of older people and community organisations with knowledge about inequality from life or work, supported by a small staff team. The EB met regularly from 2016 to 2020. It learned about inequality and ageing, advised the AfA programme on equalities issues, and produced reports and learning materials about equality and ageing. You can read and download these here.

Why and how to use the EB publications
The EB publications are here to help GMOPN’s advocacy work. They can help you increase your knowledge about inequality. They can help you educate others about inequality and the importance of equalities work to end social isolation of older people. They can give you evidence to help you to strengthen your case when trying to make policies and communities age-friendly for all older people. 

Why we made simpler summaries
The EB made simpler summaries of all of its research and reports. This was so that they could be accessed by people who might find it difficult to read the long reports. Many people find long reports difficult to read because of visual impairment, low literacy, learning disabilities, dementia, or many other reasons. Simpler summaries make the important information available to more people.

Clickable index:
How to Work Inclusively to Make Communities Age-Friendly, and more accessible summary
This is a short briefing paper about what the Equalities Board learned from doing equalities reviews of the Ambition for Ageing programme
