0333 321 3021


Saheli ‘ making a big difference, providing safe spaces, culturally sensitive support’

Saheli (meaning friend) is a charity making a big difference, providing safe spaces, culturally sensitive support and refuge from domestic abuse to women from Black, Asian and minority communities and their children.  

Tackling homelessness in Manchester, Saheli have three refuges. These spaces offer safe temporary accommodation for Black, Asian or Minority woman who are fleeing domestic abuse or forced marriages. 

Once a women access’ one of Saheli’s refuges’, they can access support with housing, immigration and mental health. Women can access practical support in a safe space, whilst building social connections.  

A real strength of Saheli is their ability to offer culturally sensitive support. They have specialist knowledge of issues facing women from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, such as honour based violence and forced marriages; they are also able to provide support in different languages and have culturally specific food in their refuges’. 

Other services and project Saheli offer include specialist counselling, group work in the community and outreach support. They are also taking part in 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence campaign.  

If you or someone you know needs refuge accommodation, contact Saheli now on [email protected] 

Saheli also offers training to professionals on Forced marriage, Honour Based Abuse and Domestic Abuse as well as various aspects of domestic abuse/forced marriages. It is imperative that all organisations are fully trained in recognising and responding to reports of domestic abuse and forced marriages in order to safeguard children and young people. 

If you or your company would like to receive training from us, please get in touch on [email protected] , and they are able to set up bespoke training sessions.