0333 321 3021


Volunteer Centre core functions

Volunteer Centre Manchester is a member organisation of Volunteering England and as such works to six core functions below:

  1. Brokerage - Volunteer Centre Manchester's primary function is to match both individuals and groups interested in volunteering with appropriate opportunities in the local community. We hold information on a comprehensive range of opportunities and offer potential volunteers support and advice, matching their motivation to volunteer with appropriate volunteering opportunities.
  2. Marketing volunteering - We encourage local interest in volunteering and community activity through promoting and marketing volunteering through local, regional and national events and campaigns.

  3. Good practice development - We promote good practice in working with volunteers to all volunteer involving organisations. We deliver training for potential volunteers, volunteers, volunteer managers and the volunteering infrastructure.

  4. Develop volunteering opportunities - We work in close partnership with statutory, voluntary and private sector agencies as well as community and faith groups to develop local volunteering opportunities. We understand the potential offered by local communities and work with them to realise this potential, targeting specific groups which face barriers to volunteering, and working creatively to develop imaginative, non-traditional opportunities for potential volunteers.
  5. Policy response and campaigning - We identify proposals or legislation that may impact on volunteering. Lead and/or participate in campaigns on issues that affect volunteers or volunteering and campaign pro-actively for a more volunteer-literate and volunteer-friendly climate.
  6. Strategic development of volunteering - As the local expert on volunteering, Volunteer Centre Manchester informs strategic thinking and planning at a local, regional and national level.