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Volunteering Information

Manchester Community Central - Volunteering Fact Sheets
Factsheet 12 - Volunteer Policies
This factsheet provides tips and ideas about how to successfully involve volunteers in your organisation

Factsheet 13 - Managing Volunteers
This factsheet provides tips and ideas about how to effectively manage your organisations volunteers

Volunteering Greater Manchester - Eight steps to involving volunteers
This guide provides information on developing a volunteering policy; creating roles; cost, budgeting and practicalities; recruitment and selection; safeguarding; induction and training; support and supervision; and recognition.

Volunteering England - Information Sheets
Volunteering England has a range of Information Sheets designed to help answer your questions about volunteering and who can volunteer.

Volunteering for Civic Roles: Information for employers and employees
This publication provides information about volunteering for a variety of civic roles to enable people to make informed decisions about whether they would like to participate in decision making in their communities. The document outlines the benefits for volunteers, employers and the wider community.


Volunteer Centre Manchester