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Latest News

Local and national news items from the voluntary and community sector:

12 Jul 2019

Reuben’s Retreat was born in August 2012 in memory of Reuben Michael Graham. The goal is to...

12 Jul 2019

The Charity Service is both a registered charity and a trust corporation which provides a...

12 Jul 2019

Europia offer free counselling and support for Eastern European Victims of Hate Crime...

12 Jul 2019

Airport City is supporting this summer’s Wythenshawe Games, a free, fun, sports and activities...

12 Jul 2019

In the 100th newsletter MP Debbie Abrahams writes on inequality and poverty. Greater Manchester...

8 Jul 2019

The purpose of the James Thomas Blair Charity is to provide support to older people living in...

5 Jul 2019

Community organisations across England looking to improve spaces where people can connect and co...

5 Jul 2019

Small Grants Programme for events organised by and for young people focused around Inter Faith...

5 Jul 2019

The Carer Innovations Fund aims to support accessible, carer-friendly communities and public...

5 Jul 2019

Following on from the Manchester BME and GM BME joint networks event, the Manchester BME are...
