Carers Innovation Fund

The Carer Innovations Fund aims to support accessible, carer-friendly communities and public services and also seeks to provide evidence on effective interventions to support carers.

The fund seeks to identify and promote creative and innovative models that look beyond statutory services to ensure that carers are:
• better recognised and connected
• better able to juggle working and caring
• better able to look after their own health and wellbeing

The Department for Health and Social Care are seeking to provide seed funding to a portfolio of ‘concept testing’ projects from organisations from a mix of sectors, including the voluntary and community sector, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), commercial sector etc.

The Department for Health and Social Care expect the projects will be able to demonstrate measurable impacts against the areas we hear from carers that they need additional support. These are to:
• improve their health and wellbeing
• increase their ability to juggle their work and caring responsibilities
• increase their ability to take a break from their caring role
• reduce the loneliness and social isolation experienced by carers

Through the development of technological solutions or community-based interventions, the projects might consider how to:
• ensure carers have access to advice and information to support them in their caring role
• increase the provision of carers’ breaks locally
• connect carers with other carers and the wider community
• prevent crises through early intervention

Organisations are invited to bid for up to £500,000.

For further information and to apply, visit: