Previous Tenders by Manchester City Council

Some City Council tendering exercises combine PQQ and ITT within a single process while others keep them separate.

PQQ-type elements include:
• equality policy (with implementation strategy, equality plan and monitoring and review procedures);
• both sustainability and environmental policies (they appear to equate sustainability with corporate social responsibility);
• employer’s liability (£10m), public liability (£5m or £10m) & professional indemnity (£100k) insurances;
• business continuity plan;
• health and safety policy (with codes of safe working practice, emergency, first aid, welfare, health surveillance and reporting procedures, key statistics, examples of a risk assessment and a safe system of work – and various documents more appropriate to the construction industry!)

ITT-type elements include:
• partnership agreement (if applicable);
• method statement (how the service will be delivered).
Previous PQQ’s have also requested policies such as:
• Induction and training
• Confidentiality and record-keeping
• Quality assurance
• Complaints
• Involvement with money
• Safeguarding
• CRB checks

Some of the policy templates drafted by MACC for other commissioning exercises may prove to be of use here.