The GSK IMPACT Awards are an annual scheme, funded by GlaxoSmithKline as part of the company’s commitment to promote community health and well-being. The GSK IMPACT Awards recognise and reward small to medium sized charities that are doing excellent work to improve people’s health.

Up to ten winners will receive £30,000, with one overall winner receiving £40,000
• Up to ten runners-up will receive £3,000
• The awards are designed to recognise success and achievements for existing work so you don’t have to present a new project
• Each winning organisation is offered free leadership training and invited to take part in a programme of free development activities

The funding is only part of the benefit of winning an award free training and development valued at up to £6,000 for each organisation.

As part of their prize the ten winning charities are given the opportunity to take part in a training and development programme and join our Network of GSK IMPACT Award winners.

The intensive three-day programme focuses on developing leadership skills and gaining knowledge across a wide range of specialist areas, such as financial management and governance, evaluation, and using digital media.

Organisations are then invited to take part in the GSK IMPACT Awards Development Network. It connects past GSK IMPACT Award winners both online and at meetings held across the UK, to get and give support, share best practice and continue their professional development.

Who can apply for a GSK IMPACT Award?
Applicants must be:
• A registered charity by the deadline for applications. The organisation must also have existed for a minimum of three years by this date.
• Located and registered in the UK
• Targeting community health needs in the UK. Community can be defined as a geographical community or a community of interest
• Able to point to a track record of achievement in community health issues
• Small or medium sized organisations with total annual income between £25,000 and £2 million as shown in your most recent accounts
• Independently constituted from any national umbrella organisation.

The judges will be looking for evidence of: innovation, management, partnership, achievement, community focus and targeting need.

For further information and to apply, visit:

Deadline: Friday 25 September 2015