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Loads to do Summer activities

26 Jul 2024 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

Looking for things to do during the summer school holidays? Then look no further!              

Manchester City Council has teamed up with communities and activity leaders across the area to put all school holiday activities and events onto one website: www.loadstodo.co.uk/schoolhols

There are plenty of fun activities to keep children and young people entertained, from sporty holiday camps to family-friendly events. Plus, as many of them are free or low cost, they won’t break the bank.  

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Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide

25 Jul 2024 - 09:27 by michelle.foster

Choosing the right bank account is an important decision and the multitude of options available can be overwhelming. The Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide was developed by UK Finance to support charities opening and managing bank accounts after many reported experiencing difficulties with financial services.

The new website features a free account finder tool, step-by-step guide and frequently asked questions to help charities find the best account for their needs.

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Making a Difference Locally Heart of the Community Awards

24 Jul 2024 - 13:32 by michelle.foster

Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally (MADL) charity has launched its largest Heart of the Community Awards round ever with £250,000 available for ‘stronger communities’ initiatives.
The fund aims to empower local charities and not-for-profit causes working tirelessly to make a positive impact.

The theme for Round 9 is ‘stronger communities’ which reflects MADL's commitment to helping communities tackle pressing local issues and build brighter futures.

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7Stars Foundation

24 Jul 2024 - 13:31 by michelle.foster

7Stars Foundation is offering grants of up to £2,500 for registered charities with an annual turnover of less than £1.5 million across the UK to deliver projects and activities that support young people aged 16 years and under across the priority themes of abuse, addiction, child carers, and homelessness.

Funding for offered across the following streams:

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Historic England – History in the Making Grants

24 Jul 2024 - 13:29 by michelle.foster

The History in the Making initiative provided by Historic England is seeking to fund around 15 projects with grants of between £10,000 and £15,000.

The initiative is intended to enable underrepresented young people (aged 13-25) to research, discover and commemorate local histories, fostering a sense of belonging through exploring local identity and stories.

Applications will be accepted from organisations of all types including community interest groups, charities and local authorities. Individuals can apply if they are registered as sole traders.

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SPARK: Training for creative practitioners to support mental health and wellbeing

24 Jul 2024 - 13:26 by michelle.foster

The MYRIAD Spark Training programme is a new training programme for creative practitioners from the global majority (people who do not consider themselves or are not considered to be white), who are passionate about using creativity to support communities and people’s mental health and wellbeing.

SPARK is for you, if you:

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Cervical Screening in Ethnically Diverse Groups – have your say

24 Jul 2024 - 13:22 by michelle.foster

Are you eligible for cervical screening (now or in the future), identify as Asian, Black or another ethnically diverse group and are 18 years old or over? University of Manchester researchers are conducting a survey on different ways to perform cervical screening. If you are interested click here to access the Participant Information Sheet for further information.

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