
Women of Faith: New Year Celebrations

Women of Faith invites you to join them for a celebration of the New Year. Women of Faith look forward to welcoming women from various religious and cultural backgrounds to celebrate with them.

There will be the opportunity to socialise and meet new women, catching up with old friends as well as setting the agenda for the upcoming year and voice what you would like to see the group do throughout the year and what activities you would like to participate in.

Refreshments will be provided.

The Wesley Centre, Circuit Office, Royce Road, Hulme, M15 5BP
Shared Topic Areas

ACAS: Equality, diversity and inclusion - the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Business Need


Faith In The Arts: Manchester Jewish Museum

A new series exploring how faith, art and culture are intertwined, the stories they hold, how they got to Manchester and how they are preserved.

Join Faith Network for Manchester in exploring the diverse stories of Manchester’s Jewish communities in their gallery with an introduction to some of the main themes held in their collections as well as visiting their 19th century Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue with the opportunity to have questions answered.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Manchester Jewish Museum, 190 Cheetham Hill Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, M8 8LW
Shared Topic Areas

Faith and Belief Roundtable – Migration and Homelessness

Faith and Belief organisations and networks contribute in many different ways to society, especially to those most disadvantaged. This includes people experiencing homelessness as well as those seeking asylum, refugees and other migrants, many of whom are facing such challenging times. For those who face barriers to mainstream or local authority services, for example if they have no recourse to public funds, it is often Faith and Belief that people turn to. They are trusted, embedded in communities in a unique way and can offer spiritual, emotional and practical advice, guidance and care.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Tootal Buildings, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU
Shared Topic Areas

Faith and Belief Roundtable – Migration and Homelessness

Faith and Belief organisations and networks contribute in many different ways to society, especially to those most disadvantaged. This includes people experiencing homelessness as well as those seeking asylum, refugees and other migrants, many of whom are facing such challenging times. For those who face barriers to mainstream or local authority services, for example if they have no recourse to public funds, it is often Faith and Belief that people turn to. They are trusted, embedded in communities in a unique way and can offer spiritual, emotional and practical advice, guidance and care.

Central Hall, Central Buildings, Oldham Street, Manchester M1 1JQ
Shared Topic Areas

Protective Security for Mosques Funding Scheme

Mosques and associated faith community centres from across the UK can apply for funding to cover the provision and installation of security measures to keep their place of worship safe. They can also apply for some security guarding services, where they feel security guards will improve the safety of their site and those worshipping there.

To be eligible, applicants must be registered charities, charities or places of worship exempt from registration, or eligible Community Interest Companies (CICs).

Applicants should apply if they: