Macc: Tap Into the Power of Networking to Grow Your VCSE
“Networking is not about just connecting people
“Networking is not about just connecting people
Are you a Greater Manchester VCSE organisation with under 50 employees? Here’s your chance to access affordable, expert HR support tailored to your needs!
Our recent HR survey revealed strong interest in a shared HR service for the VCSE sector. In response, we’ve partnered with a highly recommended HR provider to create a cost-effective solution designed with you in mind.
This service includes:
Join Macc for this Introduction for businesses which will explore how to work with voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in a mutually beneficial way
Macc is a charity and our purpose is quite simply the city of Manchester. We encourage, support and develop the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations and local people to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live.
Macc’s new Connect and Collaborate drop in’s aim to bring together Businesses, Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise (VCSE) and passionate philanthropists for meaningful connections, collaboration, and support for great causes.
Macc’s new Connect and Collaborate drop in’s aim to bring together Businesses, Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise (VCSE) and passionate philanthropists for meaningful connections, collaboration, and support for great causes. Whether you’re looking to discover new partnerships or make a positive impact in your community and explore mutual beneficial ways of working together - join us for regular get to togethers, giving you a chance to network with likeminded individuals.
In Season 9 of the Meet the Mancunian Podcast, host Deepa Thomas-Sutcliffe collaborates with the Spirit of Manchester Awards to feature interviews with award winners and nominees from the city's voluntary and community sector.