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All Business citizenship

Introduction to working with business for your VCSE organisation

Would you like to explore what working with businesses could look like for your organisation?

This is an introductory session is aimed at voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups who support people and causes in Manchester and are interested in developing meaningful relationships with local businesses.

You will:

12 September, 2024 - 10:00 to 12:30
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Ubele Circles with Dennis Carney

14 Jul 2022 - 15:02 by michelle.foster

Calling all activists or people interested in learning about activism from Black or Minoritised Communities. Circles run for 4 weekly sessions. Participants are required to commit to meeting weekly on the ubele initiative17 August, 24 August, 31 August, 7 September between 6pm-7pm, online. Deadline to apply: 15 August

Register for the Ubele Circles with Dennis Carney

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MRSN small grant and help to write funding bids for refugee groups

5 Nov 2020 - 15:30 by michelle.foster

mrsnManchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN) can help Refugee Community Organisations (RCO) like yours to get better at applying for grants from various bodies. This may be particularly helpful now during the COVID crisis. It should help your organisation in the longer term too.

Groups can get help with

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Macc wins Manchester Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Contract

4 Oct 2019 - 14:09 by michelle.foster

MaccAs you may be aware, earlier this year Manchester City Council and Manchester Health and Care Commissioning launched a competitive tendering process for the contract to provide support to the city's voluntary and community sector for the next three years. We are delighted to announce that Macc has been awarded this contract.

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Social Value and the Magic Money Tree

27 Aug 2019 - 10:38 by Nigel Rose

I’ve been involved in Greater Manchester Social Value Network since its beginning in 2015. I have been to dozens of meetings about social value, run many workshops, attended a fair few conferences and, despite the efforts of the network and other social value organisations, there is still a lot of basic misunderstanding about some aspects of a social value approach. One of the mistakes I come across frequently is the confusion of social value with “additional” or “on-top” value and that’s what this blog is about.

Spirit of Manchester - Media Partner Opportunity

23 Aug 2019 - 11:45 by Mike Wild

Now in its 7th year, our Spirit of Manchester programme is an annual celebration of the work of the thousands of volunteers, community groups, charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises in Manchester. Macc’s aim in running this programme is to raise the profile of the sector among the public to encourage local giving and active citizenship.

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Money Talks

8 Apr 2019 - 20:19 by Mike Wild

Recently I had a very nice letter inviting me to write for a publication (quite high status) and a follow-up phone conversation to explore further. In the course of this, the London-based publisher emphasised that wanting to reach outside their heavily London-focused circle was a big priority for them. Who can guess the next bit of the conversation?

One Manchester Calls for Social Entrepreneurs

9 Nov 2018 - 15:34 by michelle.foster

The Housing Provider will invest £150,000 into projects that can create social value and change people’s lives. One Manchester

Housing and community service provider, One Manchester, is calling for entrepreneurs and social organisations to share their ideas, knowledge and skills to help to improve Manchester’s neighbourhoods and change people's lives.

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Windrush Compensation scheme and lessons learned review

5 Oct 2018 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

The Government’s Independent advisors will be in attendance to hear your views:
Wendy Williams for the Lessons Learned Review
Martin FordeQC for the Compensation Scheme

If you are part of the ‘Windrush generation’ or a long-term Commonwealth citizen settled in the UK, and you have concerns about your status come along to the event on Tuesday 9 October 2018, 10am-1pm at West Indian Sports and Social Club, Westwood Street, Moss Side, Manchester, M14 5SW.

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Spirit of Manchester Story - Businesses have an obligation to the communities they live and work in

24 Sep 2018 - 11:25 by helen.walker

Jessica volunteers as a governor at a secondary school in Manchester, with Governors for Schools, and this is her story:

“Manchester’s got some challenging environments, but what I see from my experience of being a school governor is how resilient and motivated the kids are. They might have come from difficult backgrounds but they’ve got masses of aspiration and ideas, and get up and go.

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