Mental Health

The Future of the St Thomas Centre is Secured

We are pleased to say that the St Thomas Centre in Ardwick will continue to serve as a vital hub for voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Greater Manchester. Following the closure of GMCVO, we can now announce that agreement has been reached for Macc to take over responsibility for the Centre, safeguarding this important resource for our sector.

Social prescribing: equitable and effective health and wellbeing support

Join The University of Manchester to explore how social prescribing can equitably support health and wellbeing.

Social prescribing for mental health needs and long-term health conditions have been proven to improve health and wellbeing, especially for those on low income, with lower educational attainment and those who live alone or without children.

The University of Manchester (room confirmed on registration)
Shared Topic Areas

Peer support Q&A on Trauma

Do you facilitate peer support sessions in Greater Manchester? Join Gaddum’s online Q&A sessions in January to learn how to support peers affected by trauma.  Do you have questions such as:

  • What does trauma-informed really mean?
  • How do I know if I’ve said the wrong thing?

Thrive Manchester will be on hand to help answer your questions.

Upcoming sessions: