Ongoing support available for older people

Whalley Range
For help and support in Whalley Range, or if you know of an older or vulnerable person
who might need some help, please contact your local councillors:
Mary Watson, tel: 0161 860 5523
Angeliki Stogia, tel: 07901 528 750
Aftab Razaq, tel: 07799 560 244

Barlow Moor Community Association
Tel: 0161 446 4805 or 07985 740 669
Barlow Moor Community Association have put a comprehensive package of remote support in place which will develop over time, initially they can offer:

  • A remote Befriending Service: Time4u listening ear via telephone, email, video calling and skype, with a text in – call back service available
  • IAG/FIAG via telephone, email, text, video calling/skype (complex need support) IAG will assess individual needs, access to technology and skill level which will inform tailored individual plans
  • Befriending and Sign Posting where required
  • Referral’s to other organisations such as those helping with Emergency Food Packs, grassroots community/church groups
  • Staff will stay in touch with service users on at least a weekly basis, especially on days they would normally attend our centre, a flexible approach will be taken and additional contact arrange where required
  • Those volunteers who are eager to offer their time will be signposted to grass root community/church groups as part of our support we will ensure they have and understand the latest advice on how to keep themselves and others safe
  • Online delivery of courses will continue with remote tutor support e.g. Digital Skills, Food Hygiene, Health and Safety, Allergy Awareness and Safeguarding etc.
  • They are currently looking at their qualification delivery and exploring delivery options via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) utilising technology where ever possible and using creativity in delivery methods
  • Qualified and experienced staff will be available during normal working hours on the centre telephone number and via email, online forums will be set up
  • Foodbank vouchers can be issued electronically
  • Support for those community/church groups to meet demand for services for those who are lonely, isolated, vulnerable and in need
  • They are currently exploring the ways in which we can offer Health and Wellbeing activities such as exercise classes via video link, discussion based topics, gaming together, remote book clubs etc
  • Virtual Youth Club at the times youth provision would normally be on
  • Providing online play activities and packs for children
  • Offering remote services and staying in touch with all parents and carers of Nursery Children

Levenshulme Inspire
Tel. 07952 178 459
For telephone befriending support, food deliveries, books and DVD sharing and more contact Kate Williams, tel. 0795 217 8459

Burnage Good Neighbours
Tel: 0161 431 7220 or 0739 595 8649
Burnage Good Neighbours is still here and open (in a fashion) they still have able bodied
volunteers willing to do shopping for anyone over the age of 55 and living in Burnage (all
DBS checked) also daily/weekly phone calls if required. Burnage community centre is closed to all daily groups/activities but BGN can be contacted on 0161 431 7220 or 0739 595 8649.

Wythenshawe Good Neighbours
Tel. 0787 528 6866 or 0781 696 0025
They have extended their telephone befriending service to any self isolating person who feels that a regular “how are you” phone call would benefit them. Just a 15 minute phone call can change a person’s day and make a real difference. Regular short phone calls could lift their spirits and keep them connected to their community.
Contact Marie on 0787 528 6866 or Sam on 0781 696 0025 for more information.

LGBT Foundation
Tel: 0345 330 3030
LGBT Foundation have made the decision to postpone all future Pride in Ageing events and are currently investigating alternative ways to deliver this programme and ways to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people over 50 receive the support they need through this difficult time. The helpline has been a lifeline to hundreds of thousands of LGBT people over the last 45 years, and if you are feeling worried, isolated or alone you can contact 0345 330 3030.

Manchester Cares
Manchester Cares have suspended all face to face programmes until 30 April to ensure that their programmes do not contribute to the spread of the coronavirus. Manchester Cares will continue to communicate with their older neighbours remotely, and over the next six weeks they will develop new ways for older and younger neighbours to stay in touch- over the phone, by sharing favourite books and films remotely, and through distributing an activity pack in the coming weeks.