0161 830 4770


Service review Volunteer

Service review Volunteer
Organisation: Gaddum
Minimum amount of hours required:


Time for the opportunity:

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this organisation (e.g. Monday Morning)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Description of opportunity:


Who we are:

We are a charity offering advocacy, carer support and therapy services in Greater Manchester. We're on your side and we're here to listen.

What are we looking for: 

Gaddum are looking for people who have had experience of either mental health act assessments/ crisis services or cafes/ mental health wards and community -based mental health support services across Greater Manchester to take part in events, meetings workshops or provide feedback on services. We will pay you for your time and offer support, experience and personal development in a range of areas. The hours and days are flexible and you can take part in as much or as little as you choose to based on your lived experience of services. Do you fancy your ideas being used to change mental health services in Manchester? We want to do it WITH you and FOR you. It’s not
about us. You have the knowledge and experience to do this. Change is afoot.

Travel and time costs will be reimbursed, and we'll throw in a cuppa too. The best date and location will be agreed with everyone who expresses an interest.


If you have any questions about this opportunity you can contact us on 0161 830 4770, or email us at: [email protected]