0161 830 4770


We need volunteers

If your organisation or event needs volunteers, you can register with us to promote your volunteering opportunities on Volunteer Centre Manchester, in our newsletters and on our social media.

Already registered with us? Log in here

Registering with us will also allow you to:

  • Access training for your staff and volunteers
  • Get support with developing, amending or implementing policies and procedures
  • Access events and networking opportunities that link you into the local volunteering community; or provide specific support

You can also access additional support via our colleagues in the Manchester Community Central Capacity Building Team (funding, governance, training etc).

Create a site login (Username and Password) and tell us more about your organisation.

Once you are registered you'll be able to submit volunteering opportunities, manage your volunteer recruitment; and receive information about our latest training, funding and events.

Submit your Volunteering Opportunities

Once you are registered you'll be automatically logged into VERA (Volunteer Engagement and Recruitment Application) and be able to advertise your volunteering opportunities.

A collection of 'How to guides' for using VERA are available on our website to help you.

Want to talk to us before you register or need more support: 

  • Do you need support in writing your volunteering roles?
  • Are you in need of volunteers to offer practical support in the community? (This could be tasks such as telephone befriending, dropping off supplies to vulnerable people etc)
  • Would you benefit from support from someone with a marketing background?
  • Do you need volunteers who have a particular driving qualification?
  • Do you need funding or HR advice?

We can help - please use our Contact Us form to get in touch.