About the Manchester Voluntary Sector Assembly

What is it?
The Manchester Voluntary Sector Assembly is a network of voluntary, community and faith groups and social enterprises in the city.

It is here to:
• Strengthen the voice of the sector
• Improve communication across the sector
• Increase the influence of the sector on strategic and policy decisions
• Provide space for the sector to learn, to develop shared ideas and collective actions
• Support collaborate between groups to deliver a wide range of activities and services in Manchester
• Network understand current issues

The full assembly comes together for half a day, four times a year. It provides an opportunity to:
• Share opinions about key issues, such as the state of the sector, community budgets
• Attend workshops around issues such as online giving, working with the private sector, community engagement and social audits
• Increase the influence of the sector
• Chief Officers Network
• Small Groups Forum

As well as the full meetings we provide opportunities for the sector to come together around specific issues such as equalities, children and families, poverty.

The Assembly is supported by the Policy and Influence Team at Macc