Get involved in the conversation about Age-Friendly Transport. Come along and share your views on Transport in your area or community.
Confirmed speakers include Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham and a representative from Transport for Greater Manchester.
If you would be interested in attending the event or would like to contribute ideas about current transport issues for Older People, please contact Liz Jones on 0161 834 9823 or email: [email protected].
Please contact Liz Jones if you have any ideas, suggestions or comments in relation to Age-Friendly Transport that you wish to contribute at this stage.
Booking for this event is essential.
In order to ensure representation from across Greater Manchester we will confirm your place by contacting you by 8 January 2018.
Buffet Lunch will be provided.
Supported by Macc and Ambition for Ageing.
St Thomas Centre
Ardwick Green North
Manchester, M12 6FZ