Caribbean Carnival of Manchester

 Registration is closed for this event
Manchester Carnival is a vibrant and dazzling display of colorful costumes and dance. The Manchester Carnival is the largest outside London and is a diverse melting pot of culture and people. The carnival attracts people of different ethnic backgrounds from all walks of life. The Carnival boast's crowds in access of 80k over the two days and growing it also has a very diverse cuisine, a funfair sides go-karting, parade, troops, eight stages and music to all ages and stimulate everyone soul and if that not enough you can attend the night carnival.  The Guardian rated the Manchester carnival the most peaceful and entertaining event in the UK.

Manchester Carnival is a vibrant and dazzling display of colourful costumes and dance. The Manchester Carnival is the largest outside London and is a diverse melting pot of culture and people. 

We need support to help this fantastic event run smoothly and to raise funds to keep this going year on year and you can be part of this!

  • This is the opportunity to learn and enjoy a massive event, to do different jobs such as collecting donations on the gate work to stage work.
  • Chill out under there own marquee on breaks enjoy a free lunch provided over the two days of carnival.
  • Briefing by a member of the Carribean Carnival board at 11am. Assemble at the Lodge on the Claremont Road entrance of the park

The carnival attracts people of different ethnic backgrounds from all walks of life. The Carnival boast's crowds in access of 80k over the two days and growing it also has a very diverse cuisine, a funfair sides go-karting, parade, troops, eight stages and music to all ages and stimulate everyone soul and if that not enough you can attend the night carnival. 

The Guardian rated the Manchester carnival the most peaceful and entertaining event in the UK.

find out more here 

11th August, 2018 11:00 AM to 12th August, 2018 8:00 PM
Alexandra Park
Claremont Road
Manchester, M16 7JL
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Volunteer Opportunity Details
Approved by VCM Yes
Sticky at the of website lists Yes
Organisation Providing Opportunity Caribbean Carnival of Manchester
Opportunity Manager Mr Mike Bisson
Suitable for Manchester Cultural Volunteers
Willing to accept short term volunteers Yes
GM Geographical Area Manchester
Manchester Wards Moss Side, Whalley Range
Address where opportunity is based Alexandra park
Claremont Road
M16 7JL
Postcode M16 7JL
Directions (i.e. How to get there)
Contact name Mike Bisson
Telephone 0798 540 0384
Email [email protected]
Times for the opportunity Saturday AM, Saturday PM, Sunday AM, Sunday PM
If a minimum amount of hours is required, please state 4
Skills / Qualifications Friendly, approachable and willing to get stuck in
Recruitment Process Informal Discussion
Area of interest Employee and Group Volunteering, Entertainment, Events - Local, Events - National and International, Fundraising, Heritage, Music, National and International Events, Women, Youth Work and Young People
Additional/specific suitability
Arrangements Equal Opportunities Policy, A suitable induction, training and support and supervision for volunteers, Insurance cover for volunteers, Support Available to Volunteers, Suitable Risk Assessment for Task and Activities, A named person responsible for Health and Safety, Volunteer/ing Policy and Volunteer Handbook
opp manager id 231783
opp manager display name Bisson, Mike
organisation manager id 221597
organisation display name Caribbean Carnival of Manchester
Imported March 2015
Opportunity verified date